“Digital Champions” with Preston Vawdrey of Metaverse Marketer

On “Digital Champions,” our host, Greg Kirkham, speaks with experts and professionals from across the country operating in the digital marketing and media space. In this segment, Greg spoke with Preston Vawdrey of Metaverse Marketer.

Short company description:

Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency helping small businesses start their digital marketing journey.

What was your first job in Media?:

Web Design and SEO at a Web Design Agency

What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?:

Data cleansing and analysis with AI

List any trade organizations or groups that you belong to, if any:


Why is it important for a business to hire an outside ad agency as opposed to having just an internal marketing director?:

Digital marketing is expensive and hard to do well. Hiring an outside ad agency allows Digital marketing managers to outsource what they aren’t experts at so they can focus on the things they are experts in, while usually saving some money on in house talent.

What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?:

If you cant report or track it, it didn’t happen.

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