Jack Sears

Chief Strategy Officer

Jack Sears is a native of Mt. Hope, West Virginia—he graduated magna cum laude from Salem College, Salem West Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Youth Agency Administration.

On November 1, 2022, he retired from the Boy Scouts of America having served in various leadership roles for 37 years. He has served Scout Councils in Orlando, Fl, Griffin GA, White Plains, NY and most recently for 15 years in Jacksonville, Fl.

During his tenure of leadership, the North Florida Council experienced marked growth in quality program delivery; traditional youth membership and the Council completed a first ever capital/endowment campaign, having raised $6.8 million of Capital needs in support of the Council’s Camp Shands, St. Johns River Base at Echockotee, and the Baker Scout Service Center. He also facilitated a long-term endowment growth strategy that has resulted in total net assets for the North Florida Council Endowment fund of $12 million under active management and provides 15% of the operating/capital needs of the Council. Additionally, 29 individuals have indicated future gifts to the endowment, which totals $3 million. Innovative fundraising such as the Over-the-Edge Repelling Event and the Camp Discount Card have resulted in $300,000 in new revenue available for the operating needs of the Council, while reinforcing and creating awareness of the Scouting brand.

Most recently he founded JLS Advisors, LLC, a non-profit leadership and fundraising consultancy firm.

Jack Sears

Chief Strategy Officer

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